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Cosmetic Treatment
Majority of the population would like to have whiter teeth. One of the way to achieve this teeth whitening is through Simple and safe procedure called dental bleaching. Today, advanced bleaching procedures lighten and brighten the teeth and are tough on stains but gentle on teeth.
Cosmetic Treatment
Majority of the population would like to have whiter teeth. One of the way to achieve this teeth whitening is through Simple and safe procedure called dental bleaching. Today, advanced bleaching procedures lighten and brighten the teeth and are tough on stains but gentle on teeth.
Tooth Sensitivity
Painful reaction in one or more tooth triggered by hot, cold sweet or sour food and drink and sometimes even air is called sensitivity. Pain can be sudden and deep into the tooth.
Tooth Sensitivity
Painful reaction in one or more tooth triggered by hot, cold sweet or sour food and drink and sometimes even air is called sensitivity. Pain can be sudden and deep into the tooth.
Tooth Ache
Shallow cavities often initiate tooth ache. Early diagnosis of any pain or soreness within or around a tooth indicating inflammation and possible infection can help us restore it with simple, non-Invasive procedure, like cement filling. Root canal treatment: Also known as endodontic procedure.
Tooth Ache
Shallow cavities often initiate tooth ache. Early diagnosis of any pain or soreness within or around a tooth indicating inflammation and possible infection can help us restore it with simple, non-Invasive procedure, like cement filling. Root canal treatment: Also known as endodontic procedure.
Tooth Alignments
Straightening of teeth make a difference and ultimately make or break your chances of getting certain opportunities.
Children and adults having teeth that are protruded or crowded or spaced are corrected by a specialist.
Tooth Alignments
Straightening of teeth make a difference and ultimately make or break your chances of getting certain opportunities.
Children and adults having teeth that are protruded or crowded or spaced are corrected by a specialist.
Teeth Replacements
Missing teeth: There are 3 options for replacement
Removable denture: A plastic or metal plate carrying artificial teeth
Fixed bridge: A set of three or more artificial teeth cemented onto and borrow support from adjacent natural teeth.
Teeth Replacements
Missing teeth: There are 3 options for replacement
Removable denture: A plastic or metal plate carrying artificial teeth
Fixed bridge: A set of three or more artificial teeth cemented onto and borrow support from adjacent natural teeth.
Paediatric Dentistry
First dental check up: Childs first dental examination should be done around 6 months after first tooth comes in or at first birthday. First cleaning with fluoride treatment should be done around the age of 3 years.
Paediatric Dentistry
First dental check up: Childs first dental examination should be done around 6 months after first tooth comes in or at first birthday. First cleaning with fluoride treatment should be done around the age of 3 years.
What Our Patients Say

” Very happy to have this decent smile….. excellent job Doctor. Thank you so much.”

“Absolutely calming ambience & friendly staff….Dental visits can be fun”

“Scheduled my appointments online at the nearest 32CarePoints. Fortunate to meet smile-maker friends working as a Team to achieve that perfect smile “

“Unbelievable! Such an extensive treatment, without any medications. Maximum Doctor-Patient communication prevents last-minute surprises! “

“One of the most friendly doctors I have ever met.Really provide the best service. “

“Dr. Lalit Patil has been my family dentist since long. Very gentle in service & he is flexible keeping in mind the comfort of the patient. “